Our name carries a long tradition in ocular prosthetics manufacturing, being pioneers in Spain since the mid-19th century. Our family has been crafting ocular prosthesis since the mid-19th century.
There is written evidence that Mr. Antonio Laiseca, our great-grandfather, received recognition for his ocular prosthesis at the 1889 Universal Exposition in Paris. During those years, an ocularist combined the creation of glass eyes for individuals with taxidermy and other types of figurines. Such pieces demanded a thorough mastery of the art of working with and molding glass. For instance, the majority of the glass eyes for the animals in the collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid were made by our grandfather and great-grandfather.
After the Second World War, ocular prosthesis began to be manufactured in plastic material, methyl methacrylate, due to the numerous advantages they offer over glass prosthesis. This is the present, and methyl methacrylate is now universally used, with subsequent technical advancements over the years (today, only a few centers in Germany and central Europe still produce glass eyes).
Antonio Laiseca de la Rosa with his son, Andrés Laiseca Lázaro, year 1907 / Ocularists
First ocularists in Barcelona
Our family, originally based in Madrid, and still operating there, also established a presence in Barcelona since 1956, making our name the oldest in Catalonia dedicated to the manufacturing of ocular prosthesis.
This happily obliges us to uphold the prestige of our name, caring for our patients, and ensuring that we work with the highest quality. To achieve this, in addition to our daily work, we maintain regular contact with the A.S.O. (American Society of Ocularists), attending their congresses and engaging in professional exchanges with several of their members.
Antonio Laiseca de la Rosa, year 1898. Ocularist
The art of the ocular prosthetics
As a final concept throughout the entire process of crafting and fitting an ocular prosthesis, we always bear in mind that it is also an art, requiring naturalness and proportion. Hence, we believe it is important to mention our experience in painting and sculpture as part of our original training, running parallel to that of ocularists.